Cinderella Foot Aesthetic Surgery
Cinderella Foot Aesthetic Surgery
orthopedic aesthetics
All surgical procedures performed to remove deformities or disfigurements of the foot in order to achieve small and elegant feet are called Cinderella aesthetic surgeries.
Our goal in foot aesthetics is to treat the disfigurement of the toes formed over the years, to end up with pain free cosmetically pleasing feet.
The most common foot aesthetic surgeries are:
- Disfigurement of the thumb (Hallux valgus)
- Ingrown toenails
- Calluses at the base of the feet caused by bone structure
- Curling of the second and third fingers, i.e. 'hammer toe deformity'
- Bunionette (protrusion on the 5th finger of the foot)
- Innate introversion of the pinky
- Long 2nd finger, shortness of 3rd or 4th metacarpal bones and corresponding stump finger
- Deformities of flat-foot (pes planus)
In plastic surgeries such as such as fat cell injections to the foot, botox application and soft tissue surgeries and applications that do not interfere with the bone structure, plastic surgeons can be preferred, however, for the procedures that will alter the bone structure must be performed by Orthopedic Surgeons.
We perform small interventional procedures such as treatment of ingrown nails and uncomfortable calluses on the soles of the feet, in our clinic, locally, in 10-minute periods. We allow our patients to return to their daily activities at the same day of the procedure.
We perform foot aesthetic surgeries that will alter the bone structure, in comfortable hospitals with experienced personnel, under operating room conditions.
Disfigurement of the thumb (Hallux valgus)
Hallux valgus deformity is the permanent skewing of the toe towards the second finger spontaneously and the formation of a bone protrusion (bunion) in the inner part of the foot.
The most common causes of the development of hallux valgus are:
- Wearing tight, pointy shoes and high heels
- Working standing up and wearing uncomfortable shoes
- Hereditary predisposition
- The development of flat foot over time.
- Bad shoe preference
- Trauma-related walking disorders
Patients are diagnosed with detailed examination. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray examinations to be performed while the feet is on the ground. In special cases, MRI and EMG images may also be required.
Symptoms of Hallux Valgus:
- Depending on the curvature, constant pain around the first finger of the foot
- Protrusion (bunion) on the first finger joint
- Calluses due to constant pressure and friction
- Swelling and redness according to the degree of deformity
If the pain can not decreased with non-surgical methods or if the hallux valgus is diagnosed at an advanced stage, surgical treatment options are evaluated. With a correctly selected and correctly applied surgery, this problem does not recur. Surgery allows patients to walk more comfortably and wear shoes that they couldn't wear before.
If the Hallux valgus is in the early stages, it is enough to remove only the bunion (shaving the bone protrusion). If the hallux valgus is in the advanced stage, in addition to removing the bunion, the curvature of the metacarpus must also be corrected with incisions to the bone. Hallux valgus surgery is a type of surgery that lasts approximately 45 minutes and it can be performed with block anesthesia.
- The patient is discharged on the same day or 1 day after the surgery.
- For 4 to 6 days after the surgery, special shoes provided should be worn only.
- Provided that the patient wears the special shoes provided, return to daily activities is allowed within a week.
- Patients who complete the physical therapy-rehabilitation program are given in-house programs and only called for routine check ups
- It is usually possible to drive after the sixth week.
- Patients are allowed to travel by plane after 2 days.
- The necessary physical therapy programs are organized for our foreign patients and their travels are allowed within the first week.